The future of Europe and the world in 2019 and beyond - CONCORD Bimonthly 20 November 2018

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20 November 2018

Looking ahead:
The future of Europe and the world in 2019 and beyond

EU Crystal Ball banner

Dear readers,

Only a few weeks separate us from 2019, a crucial year for the future of Europe and the world. Not only will the EU elections determine the future of our European governance but key processes including the future EU budget and the post-Cotonou agreement will be negotiated. While we see Europe being more and more polarised around key issues like migration, civic freedoms and social rights, our confederation wants to keep reminding EU institutions and leaders that a happy future will be possible only if we stand together for solidarity, inclusion, justice and sustainability. In that regard, we invite you to explore our recent campaign "The EU Crystal Ball" and see what the consequences of your choices might lead to in the future.
To help you get prepared for next year and its different milestones, this newsletter compiles initiatives which we hope you will find useful.

In solidarity,

CONCORD Secretariat


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The impact of EU policies in the world

One year after CONCORD's report analysing whether EU Commission impact assessments sufficiently take into account the impact of policy proposals on developing countries, where do we stand? In the new paper The impact of EU policies in the world. Seeing the bigger picture – one year on, CONCORD conducts a quantitative analysis of the impact assessments from 2017 and the first half of 2018, comparing this with our data from previous years, and a more in-depth qualitative analysis of 3 particular cases.

Read the paper
30 youth representatives
Involving youth in European Politics

The power of youth is now! On 7 November 2018, 30 youth representatives from Austria, Italy, Poland and Slovenia travelled to Brussels to hand over the 'Central European Youth Manifesto' to members of the European Parliament. Organised, among others, by the CONCORD member of the Austrian NP, Südwind, the event was an interesting exchange of views between young people and several MEPs. Over 300 young people from Central European countries such as Austria, Italy, Poland and Slovenia got involved in the drafting process of the manifesto through contributions from youth centres, organisations, schools and local workshops.

The manifesto
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CONCORD panel discussion on EU-ACP negotiations
ACP countries and the EU are now called to negotiate a new agreement, as the Cotonou Partnership Agreement will come to an end in 2020. Civil Society on both sides will actively monitor the process. In that regard, CONCORD is happy to invite on 17 December to a panel discussion on the ongoing ACP-EU negotiations where the relevant stakeholders of the process will gather and will share their views on a number of issues.

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men talking
From President to President
The head of the Spanish platform, Coordinadora ONGD, Andrés Rodríguez, sent a letter last week to the Spanish prime minister Pedro Sánchez, to ask him to increase the official aid of Spain to international cooperation. With the recent change of government, Coordinadora ONGD hopes for a favorable shift in public policy.
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World Toilet Day
Yesterday was the International World Toilet Day, and coinciding to this ephemeris, Oxfam is looking for an innovative approach to improve the conditions of the toilets in the world's largest camp in Rohingya. Refugees are now living in sprawling and cramped conditions in makeshift shelters and finding suitable space to build toilets and washing facilities has proved extremely challenging, worsened now by the cyclone season loom. In order to help tackle these issues, Oxfam is bringing in with two young architects who have been working with Rohingya refugee women and girls in the design of new, more accessible facilities.

Read more
Image of Austria map
Austria's civic space rating downgraded

CIVICUS downgraded Austria's civic space rating from open to narrowed. This decision was taken following a thorough assessment of conditions in the country for the free exercise of civic freedoms, as protected by international law. The downgrade follows nearly a year of rule by the ÖVP-FPÖ coalition government, during which the space for civil society has worsened.
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Children are taking over and turning the world blue
Today is the Universal Children's Day and Save the Children joins forces with the United Nations in the celebration of this important day, established in 1954. This year, UNICEF is calling on kids and adults everywhere to go Blue in support of children's rights. 
Image of Sussex University Library Square
Course: Engaging Evidence and Policy for Social Change
Gain the skills and knowledge to improve your use of research evidence and engagement with policy for social change. Apply now for this three-day short course for professionals at the Institute of Development Studies.  

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Eat & Meet with the authors of Economix (graphic novel)
 Families Europe
When: 22 November
Where: Brussels
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"Claim the Climate" march

Organiser: Climat Express Coalition
When: 2 December
Where: Brussels
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LLL Week 2018

Organiser: Lifelong Learning Platform
When: 3 December
Where: Brussels
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Realising the rights of persons with disabilities
Organiser: CBM
When: 3 December
Where: Brussels
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Nutrition for a Sustainable Future
Organisers: MEP Linda McAvan and Generation Nutrition
When: 4 December
Where: Brussels
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Panel discussion on EU-ACP negotiations
Organiser: CONCORD
When: 17 December
Where: Brussels


Communications Manager (Maternity Cover)
Organisation: Eurodad
Deadline: 25 November

Communications Assistant
Organisation: Eurodad
Deadline: 25 November

Senior Communications Officer
Organisation: Eurodad
Deadline: 25 November


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