Development Aid? Currently under review - CONCORD Bimonthly Newsletter 23 October 2018

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23 October 2018

Development Aid? Currently under review!

AidWatch Infographic

Dear readers,

Last days were marked by important milestones for our sector. Several conferences were looking into the future of development cooperation (the ETTG conference), the upcoming EU budget (the MFF conference) and the current state of development aid (AidWatch report 2018). On top, the European Council scrutinised the current migration policy.
From all sides, the purpose of development is under review. We know that development aid will no longer be what it used to and sadly this means less and less resources from the EU are dedicated to poverty eradication and global sustainable development.
Therefore, CONCORD will keep on reminding EU leaders and EU institutions that the rights of people living in poverty, the quality of aid and the principles of effective development cooperation should stand at the centre of EU development priorities.
We hope you join us in that call so that we can collectively ensure a just, fair and sustainable wealth distribution around the globe.

In solidarity,

CONCORD Secretariat


AidWatch eye
AidWatch Report 2018
For the first time since 2012, the EU's aid spending decreased in 2017. This means, at the current rate of growth, the EU would need another 40 years to meet the 0.7% ODA/GNI target, reveals CONCORD AidWatch Report 2018 "EU aid: A broken ladder". While the EU remains the world's largest aid donor, EU aid decreased by 4% compared to 2016 and inflated aid still represented 19% of the total EU aid budget in 2017. The decline in EU aid is highly correlated to the decrease of in-donor refugee costs and debt relief reported as ODA, respectively dropping off 10% and 82% compared to last year.

The full report & figures
paper 'Towards a Sustainable Europe by 2030'
EU SDG multi-stakeholder platform proposals

30 high-level members from the EU's Multi-stakeholder Platform on SDGs adopted common proposals from civil society, public and private to move towards a Sustainable EU by 2030. Despite coming all from very different backgrounds, representing very diverse constituencies, we managed to find common ground and strongly push together in the same direction. This paper will now feed into the upcoming European Commission reflection paper 'Towards a Sustainable Europe by 2030'.

The paper
migrants on boat
EU Council on migration

Last week, EU leaders met at the European Council to talk about migration. We sent a letter ahead of the meeting to Heads of State via our National Platforms to ensure the EU delivers results for the world's poorest and people most in need. On top, CONCORD also sent a letter to editors to POLITICO in reaction to a piece entitled How Europe can stop migration. Even from the title, migration was presented as a problem to be managed or a threat to be contained. That's why we exposed our position on migration in a short text that was published on Friday 19th in Politico webpage under the headline Migration is not a problem to be "managed".

Read the EUCO letter



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Image of the name Forus
IFP - FIP becomes Forus
During the celebration of its 10 years of existence, and to create more impact and gain visibility, IFP-FIP became Forus. The new name and brand aim to better reflect the purpose and ambition of the network and its members, strengthening the role of Civil Society for real social change. 
Civic Charter cover
CONCORD signed the Civic Charter

CONCORD recently signed the civic charter "because the right of people to shape their own societies, in Europe and in the world, should not be taken for granted", says Seamus Jeffreson, CONCORD Director. "With more restrictions on civil society organisations, less press freedom, tampering in elections, we need to fight for these rights more than ever. We want European governments and European Union Institutions to uphold civic rights at home and in our cooperation around the world".
Image cover page CIVICUS paper
CIVICUS paper on Regulating Political Activity of Civil Society
CIVICUS published the paper "Regulating Political Activity of Civil Society - A look at 4 EU countries". This report provides a comparative assessment of how the "political activities" of civil society organisations are regulated in Ireland, Netherlands, Germany and Finland. It focuses particularly on organisations which carry out public advocacy activities and rely on international sources for a substantial portion of their funding.
Image of the Enlarge Gamebook
ENLARGE Gamebook is Ready
Our member ALDA is a partner of the ENLARGE project funded by the European research programme Horizon 2020. ENLARGE built an online gamebook to guide readers through a participatory process. The "Choose Your Own Collaborative Adventure in Sustainable Energy Book" is the hypothetical - yet realistic - story of a community embarking on collaborative processes in sustainable energy.
Image thinking man
EU Governments take aim at funding to 'Political' NGO
Increasingly, public figures across Europe are twisting the meaning of "political activity" by claiming that NGOs overstep the mark when they campaign publicly for social or policy change. With this argument, a growing number of EU countries with right-leaning governments are suggesting about cutting funding to NGO's in some sectors.

drone demining
Can drones revolutionise demining?
Organiser: Handicap International
When: 26 October
Where: Brussels
AidEx logo
AidEx Brussels on Digitalisation
Organiser: AidEx
When: 14 - 15 November
Where: Brussels


Finance/Program Support Manager
Organisation: CARE International
Deadline: 24 October

Project Controller – International
Organisation: CARE International
Deadline: 28 October

EU Partnership Manager
Organisation: Plan International EU Office
Deadline: 29 October

Policy & Advocacy Manager
Organisation: World Vision
Deadline: 4 November

Policy & Advocacy Manager
Organisation: Eurodad
Deadline: 11 November

Admin and Finance Assistant
Organisation: Eurodad
Deadline: 11 November


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